I have been a Guild Commended Framer for seventeen years and run my own business with my husband in Wimbledon.
I spend my working day creating the ideal package for our customers, which I thoroughly enjoy, but have always felt the need to create for myself as well.
Although I paint occassionally I tend to be impatient, and photography enables me to develop my ideas a little more quickly.
i joined Havant Camera Club in 2004 and Chichester Camera Club in 2006.
At first I only entered club competitions but soon enjoyed the thrill of entering National and International exhibitions. I now have over 400 acceptances at International level and this includes 8 Gold Medals, 2 silver, 3 FIAP Ribbons and a Contemporary medal.
Success came fairly rapidly and I obtained my ARPS in 2005, DPAGB in 2007, in 2008 my FRPS, and in 2009 BPE2 and AFIAP.
My style is constantly evolving as my skills improve, both technically and creatively, and my aim is to lose the sterility of emotion that is often portrayed when an image is developed through a computer.